If you are ready to learn about yourself, another, and your relationship click the Buy Now button.
After making your payment through PayPal the test will begin. Both you and the other person completing the Relationship Analysis need to be present as each of you must complete an inventory which will take about 20 minutes each. Within an hour after the inventory has been completed and the data submitted you will receive the Compatibility Analysis report. It will be a password protected document and the password will have been emailed to you.
If you do not receive the password and report within an hour check your trash and junk folders. If you do not find the password and report email dan@PersonalityDescribed.com for help.
The price of the Compatibility Analysis report is $14.75 USD which may be paid through PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button.
If you would rather pay by telephone or by mail email dan@PersonalityDescribed.com and provide your name, email, and telephone number and we will contact you so that you may complete your order.